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Anti-Spam and Email
Protection Products

If your company or home office is suffering under the onslaught of SPAM, note that there are several products available that can help limit the amount and type of email that gets into your inbox.

Phishing scams are particularly dangerous. Phishing is designed to steal personal and financial information from your company, employees or family. "Regular" spam is just plain annoying. 

  Goodbye to Mailblocks

The products listed on this page can block phishing and junk emails from entering your inbox, and quarantine suspicious attachments to defend against your system acquiring and/or spreading viruses. Some of these are desktop products; others are offered as reliable subscription-based services hosted on a central web application server.

  • Content Watch's EmailProtect™ allows you to block unwanted e-mail from your employee's mailboxes. This is a downloadable product installed onto users' computers.

  • eTrust™ Anti-Spam only allows messages from  approved senders to reach users' Inboxes. It works  with Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express to stop 100% of unwanted spam.

  • Spam Arrest is an ASP solution (similar to the now defunct MailBlocks service); it does not require any software installation on the user's computer.

    Spam Arrest downloads your e-mail directly from your ISP or E-mail provider's POP server, blocking the spam before it ever
    reaches your inbox.

  • Spam Shield's approach to fighting spam is multi-tiered:

User highlights a message and click on the red LashBack lightning bolt button on the email client's toolbar -- several things all happen at once:

  • The message is removed from user's inbox and placed in a custom "Spam" folder.

  • The sender of that message is added to a "Blocked" List, preventing future messages from that sender.

  • Spam Shield scans the message and then (based on the website they're advertising), filters all messages that advertise the same product or service.

  • If the advertiser's Unsubscribe mechanism is considered to be Trusted, user is automatically unsubscribed from that spammer's email list.

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