Master Series
Form Input
Validation and Correction
By William
Your website visitors sometimes type their name in all capital
letters. Or all lower case. And when you manually correct the
case, there is danger of introducing typographical errors.
This article will show you how to fix that -- and without paying a
programmer to modify your CGI program.
And another thing: You know how annoying it is when you click a
"submit" button, wait for the next page to appear, and
then all you get is the message, "your email address is
Wouldn't it be nice to alert your visitors to errors *before* they
click your submit button? Today you learn how.
Note: This article contains both JavaScript and HTML code. If you
are reading this on an HTML-enabled email program, you may need to
"view source" for all the code to be visible.
As an alternative, you may view this article in the archives
(which will present the code correctly in your browser). Or you
may wish to grab the source code from the demonstration page. The
archives are at and
the demonstration page is at
JavaScript is line-break sensitive. If you install the code and it
doesn't work, your email may have wrapped sensitive lines. Go to
one of the URLs in the above paragraph and compare the line
Here is a skeleton form we will use in this article:
<form name="dForm" method="POST"
Your Name:
<input onBlur="CheckName("
name="name" type="text">
Your Email Address:
<input onBlur="CheckEmail("
name="email" type="text">
<input onClick="return ValidateAll()"
type="submit" value="Send">
Notice that the form has a name. That's the name="dForm"
element of the <form... tag. In order for these JavaScript
functions to work correctly, they must know the name of the form
who's data they are manipulating.
In the input field tag asking for the visitor's name, you'll
notice an onBlur="CheckName("
element. If you don't want the name validated and corrected, don't
include this element.
So you have better understanding in case you want to modify your
code, let's talk about each part of that element.
onBlur is JavaScript code which activates
what is between the quotes whenever the item
blurs. An item blurs when the cursor leaves it,
such as when another field or the submit button
is clicked.
CheckName() is the name of the function which
validates and corrects your visitor's name. (The
function name for checking the email address is
CheckEmail().) The function must know what data
it is to work on, and it finds that out by what's
inside the parentheses:
Do not change this. It is a reference
to the current web page.
dForm is the exact name of this form.
Ensure it matches what is between the
quotes of the name="______" element of
your <form... tag.
name is the exact name of this
particular form field. Ensure it
matches what is between the quotes
of the name="______" element of your
applicable <input... tag.
Do not change this. It is a reference
to the /images of this particular form
With the above, the
functions know what data to work on and where to place the
The email form field has similar elements.
In the <input... tag with the type="submit" element
(the submit button), there is an onClick="return ValidateAll()"
element. It checks each form field which is listed in the
function. This can seem redundant, because the fields were already
checked when they blurred. However, it is possible to get an error
message and not fix it. In that case, it will be caught when the
user clicks the submit button.
Your situation might not require using both:
To validate the form fields as soon as your visitor is
finished typing in each field, but eliminating the
validation when the submit button is clicked, keep the
onBlur="..." elements and remove the onClick="..."
To validate the form fields only when your visitor
clicks on the submit button, keep the onClick="..."
element and remove the onBlur="..." elements.
Fixing your form is one
step. The other step is placing the functions onto your webpage.
Here are the five necessary functions. Place them on your page
between the <head> and </head> tags. (The functions
are explained below.)
------------- Functions begin on next line ---------------
<script language="JavaScript">
function ValidateAll()
if(CheckName( == false) return false;
if(CheckEmail( == false) return false;
return true;
function StripSpacesFromEnds(s)
// developed by
while((s.indexOf(' ',0) == 0) && (s.length > 1))
s = s.substring(1,s.length);
while((s.lastIndexOf(' ') == (s.length - 1) && (s.length > 1)))
s = s.substring(0,(s.length - 1));
if((s.indexOf(' ',0) == 0) && (s.length == 1)) s = '';
return s;
function IsItPresent(s,explanation)
// developed by
s = StripSpacesFromEnds(s);
if(s.length) return s;
alert('Please enter ' + explanation + '.\
return '';
function CheckName(s_name)
// developed by
s_name = IsItPresent(s_name,'your name\
if(! s_name) return false;
var i = s_name.indexOf(' ',0);
while(i > -1)
s_name = s_name.substring(0,(i + 1)) +
s_name.substring((i + 2),s_name.length);
i = s_name.indexOf(' ',0);
s_name = s_name.toLowerCase();
var s = new String(s_name.substring(0,1));
s = s.toUpperCase();
s_name = s + s_name.substring(1,s_name.length);
i = s_name.indexOf(' ',0);
if(i == (s_name.length - 1)) i = -1;
var ts = new String("");
var j = 0;
while(i > -1)
j = i + 1;
s = s_name.substring(i,j);
s = s.toUpperCase();
ts = '';
if(i > 0) ts = s_name.substring(0,i);
s_name = ts + s + s_name.substring(j,s_name.length);
i = s_name.indexOf(' ',j);
if(i == (s_name.length - 1)) i = -1;
} = s_name;
return true;
function CheckEmail(s_email)
// developed by
s_email = IsItPresent(s_email,'your email address\
if(! s_email) return false;
var i = s_email.indexOf(' ',0);
while(i > -1)
s_email = s_email.substring(0,i) +
s_email.substring((i + 1),s_email.length);
i = s_email.indexOf(' ',0);
} = s_email;
if((s_email.length < 6) ||
(s_email.indexOf('@',0) < 1) ||
(s_email.lastIndexOf('@') != s_email.indexOf('@',0)) ||
(s_email.lastIndexOf('@') > (s_email.length - 5)) ||
(s_email.lastIndexOf('.') > (s_email.length - 3)) ||
(s_email.lastIndexOf('.') < (s_email.length - 4)) ||
(s_email.indexOf('..',0) > -1) ||
(s_email.indexOf('@.',0) > -1) ||
(s_email.indexOf('.@',0) > -1) ||
(s_email.indexOf(',',0) > -1))
alert('The email address "' + s_email + '" is not valid.\
return false;
return true;
// -->
------------ Functions end on previous line --------------
The above functions
depend on each other. ValidateAll() uses CheckName() and
CheckEmail(). Both CheckName() and CheckEmail() use
StripSpacesFromEnds() and IsItPresent(). IsItPresent() uses
StripSpacesFromEnds() does what it's name implies; it removes any
leading and trailing spaces from whatever your user typed into the
form input field.
IsItPresent() determines whether or not anything has been typed
into the form field. First it uses StripSpacesFromEnds(), then it
looks to see if anything is left.
CheckEmail() determines whether or not the email address is
formatted correctly. First, it uses IsItPresent() to see if
anything has been typed into the form field. If not, an error
message is delivered. Then it removes any other spaces which might
be present. Finally, it checks the email formatting for:
~~ Must be at least 6 characters long. (Shortest
correctly formatted email address is [email protected])
~~ There must be exactly 1 "@" character.
~~ The "@" may not be the first character.
~~ At least 4 characters must follow the "@" character.
~~ There must be a period as either the third or
fourth character from the end. (If there is more
than one period in the address, this must be the
last one.)
~~ There may be no consecutive periods.
~~ No period may be adjacent to the "@" character.
~~ There may be no commas.
If any of the above
fail, CheckEmail() delivers an error message.
CheckName() uses IsItPresent() to see if anything has been typed
into the form field. If not, an error message is delivered. Then
it removes all but one of any consecutive spaces. Finally, it
capitalizes the first letter of each name and makes everything
else lower case.
ValidateAll() uses CheckEmail() and CheckName() to validate and
correct the data in the related form input fields.
Other validation and correction functions will be added to the
demonstration page from time to time. A function for URLs is
already there, but not included in this article because of space
considerations. Visit
to pick it up.
As other validation and correction functions are added to the
page, they will be mentioned in the "Prelude" section of
WillMaster Possibilities.
Have fun, and write to me if you need help.
About the Author:
2003 Bontrager Connection, LLC
Bontrager Programmer/Publisher, "WillMaster
Possibilities" ezine
mailto:[email protected]
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